Friday, September 19, 2008

My Birthday Surprises!!!

九月十一日,对我而言,是一个很特别的日子,因为那天是我的生日。^^ 每年的这个时候,无论是小学、中学或学院大学,都会有期中考、中小学评估考试等等的大大小小的考试,而我的生日总是很不巧的碰上这些考试的日子。因此有很多时候,除了最亲密的好友以外,我的生日都很容易被同学和朋友们遗忘,而我自己对于生日的感觉则总是带着喜忧参半的心情去迎接,喜的是我生日了、又长一岁了,忧的不用说当然是要应付那一场又一场的考试了。

今年我的生日也和我的大学期末考碰上了,生日的前一天我还得应付两张考卷,还记得早上我考完了第一张考卷以后,距离下一张考卷还有两个小时半的时间,而我的同学好友们已经在等着为我的第二张考卷作最后的复习了。对于她们的关心,我真的很感激。那天幸好有她们的帮助,我的第二张考卷才不至于交白卷。=p ( 都是自己平时没用功的结果... >.< )

那天考完了两张考卷以后,已经是下午五点了,我们才发觉自己一整天没吃过东西,肚子也早已经饿得没有知觉了。py邀我们一起去吃东西,而我们最后讨论的结果是到附近的嘛嘛档医肚子。正当我们吃着自己的餐点时,py、angie她们突然拿了一个生日蛋糕出现在我面前。我想我当时的样子一定是很搞笑的吧,因为我还竟然傻得问别人蛋糕是买给谁的,惹得她们在我面前不顾仪态的狂笑!!=.= 还真的败给她们了....

接着她们就点起了蜡烛,然后还在嘛嘛档里唱起了生日歌,华语的、英语的...最高潮的部分要数py唱了一首韩语版的生日歌送我....说真的我还是第一次听呢,也不知道她到底有没有唱错然后偷偷的在歌词里“加料”?=p 哈哈...开玩笑的啦!!别介意哦... ^^ 她们的生日歌还真的充满了感染力,就连在嘛嘛档工作的uncle们都过来我们的桌子凑热闹,替我们高兴。^^ 唱歌的确是拉近人与人之间的关系的最好方法。

本来那天考完试以后,心情还蛮糟的,身心疲累加上一整天没吃东西,还有朋友又刚巧来拜访我的关系,我的脸色看起来真的不怎么好。幸好得到了好友们的凉解,不单不介意还特地给我提早庆祝生日。真的让我很感动.... ^^

接着晚上我约了中学好友,ym 去吃晚饭。本来一心想替她饯行的我(她星期日就要回美国继续深造了),到了现场才知道她约了另一位中学好友,caryn 一起替我庆祝生日。虽然一开始真的是蛮奇怪ym怎么没通知我把caryn叫来了,但到了后来看到蛋糕时,我就明白了.....嘻嘻.....就这样,那天晚上我又再次庆祝生日了。=p


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another 6 days to go...

Another 6 days to my final exam, sigh...what should i say?tired, pissed off, and bored...thats all i can describe about my feelings now... T.T

i m nw doing my 2nd year degree in utar...not quite an interesting Uni but honestly i really do like it very much...lolz...or may be i should say that i HAVE TO like it no matter what... =p oppssss!!just kidding...i swear!!lolz...

Anyway i must thank to utar which enables me to meet with those great friends that i have now...1st of all my dear pig sis meng hui, then following by leng lui angie, cute ps, funny py, silly yy and vinze...and a lot more... ^^ They are the one that always keep my schooling day fun and you all!!muackzzzz...

Ok..come back to the topic about final...again i got the same feeling....sigh...This feeling always come over me when everytime the final is around the corner and evertime i have to go through it. i really hate to do so as it was like searching something you will never found, and the worst is i don't even know what i m searching for. This thought makes me feel unsecure and uncertain, and everytime i have to convince myself that i can do it. ish...really hate this kind of feeling... >.<

Final is coming and yet i m still blogging here. >.<" think i m really incurable..lolz...may be i should be like angie, frome now on, NO MORE blogging, NO MORE msn, NO MORE hanging around, NO MORE drama and tv, NO MORE anime and manga, and NO MORE a lot more...lolz...wonder if i can still survive without all those things... =p

Counting down the days to final exam is really torturing, as i m getting more tension day by day which are getting me crazy...i can't focus on my revision and i still have lots of notes haven't go through yet (which is the worst of all)... T.T... may be i should just off my laptop (the source of sin) now and get back to my notes before i fall asleep...lolz...

i think thats all i want to share today... ^^ all the best to my classmates and friends in the coming final...Ganbatte!!Add Oil!!!

~Together we will strive for the final~ ^.~