Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Relaxing Day

Just finished my 3rd final exam paper yesterday, and I have 2 days to take a breath and prepare before the last paper on Sat. :) Few weeks before final, I already started to feel stress and worry. Taking every step carefully in order to make sure that everything will be carry on smoothly and fine. At last the exam came, and its now close to an end before I could actually have time to recall what's happening. Last night, I had a good night sleep. First within these few weeks, I did not dream about the maths formula, calculation steps and all sorts of economics theory.

And so... I had decided to give myself one day off. Woke up before 8.30 this morning, had myself prepared, and I sent mum for groceries shopping before went to meet Mei for a badminton game. But unexpectedly, the court didn't open as usual. We waited there for more than half an hour and decided to go for breakfast instead. Nvm,  there's still tomorrow, and we will come back again. I think its always good that we keep a positive mind. ;)
We both have overspent this month, so we came to an agreement that we will go for cheap and nice food in hawker stalls. This morning would be the first time we put it into action. Fair price with lots of variety, the hawker stall isn't that bad after all, isn't it? We had Claypot Yee Mee and also chinese tea for breakfast. As usual, we chat a lot and shared our opinions until mum calls and ask me to fetch her. So ends our short meeting for the morning. I went to fetch mum and we visited Uncle Mac again before head home. I would say it's one of our favourite eating place, cozy environment with friendly workers. It's also a nice place for reading and meeting too. :)

In the noon, I read the recently bought book from MPH after I done reading with today's newspaper. After almost 2 hours of reading, I made myself a cup of Milo Oat. It's one of the favourite drinks of mine, made by 3 to 5 spoons of Milo powder (depending on the portion), 1.5 to 2 spoons of instantly cook oat and of course add in some hot water. :) It's easy, fast and healthy. *Big Smile 

Milo Oat in favourite cup of mine :)

I enjoyed my Milo Oat slowly while blogging here. It's the best thing that I could have in this relaxing day of mine. But it would be perfect if I could still take a short nap before dinner later, that's all I would ask for. A simple wish for a simply relax day like this. :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weird Me

This week is my final exam week. I should be reading notes by now, doing the last-minutes-preparation, yet I choose to blog. *Sighzzz

I will be having my 3rd paper tomorrow, its Maths. Well, not much comments that I coould make. Just hope that I would pass it smoothly. I am not that demanding though, am I? =p

Just before I decided to blog, I was actually trying hard to concentrate on my notes. But your message had successfully brought up my curiousity and obviously my attempt to do revision has failed, defeated badly by the curiousity. So here I am, blogging here while thinking of your question in your reply.

I used to think that I am just another typical girl on earth, living a simple life and always tried to make myself and the others easy. I would say that this simple theory could be applied almost anything in my life. Friends, lovers, clothing, style, and studies (though I know it's not really easy.. =.="). At least for things that could be simplified, I tried. You used to say that I am having lots of "special and different" thoughts compared to other girls and that interest you. *big smile

I would define "special and different" as weird. Though its not referring to the real freaking weird, still it means something different than the usual and normal. Not many people would admire this kind of thoughts, especially girls who possess it. The last time I heard that is from a guy who freaks out by me and his so called "crazy-n-unacceptable" thoughts of mine. He tried so hard to convince me that I am wrong, making effort to change me into someone that is acceptable by him. No doubt that he failed, badly I should say. We can't take someone who are not willing to accept and love who you truly are, can't we? :)

Few years gone and finally I have met you. Someone who knows how to admire the others from different perspect. I am glad to hear that from you, I know you mean it when you said. May be I am weird in some ways, but who cares? I live it well and I treasure it, and I always know there are still so much in me to be found. ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011


突如其来的 意外
害怕 慌张 无措
像个 迷失方向 的 孩子

感觉 委屈
但无处 发泄
想哭 泪在眼眶 徘徊
可不知 该流吗? 可以流吗?

终于 在慰问下
泪 无可抑制地 流下
“真的好累...” 我抱着您说。
您说:“好孩子... 不哭...”

是的 很 累
所以 才 泪
这是 泪 的理由吗?
还是 想 泪
所以 以 累为借口?

本来 就是 爱哭之人
可是 成长 教会 我
泪 不可轻弹
不止是 男生的权利
累 当 没尽全力时
也不可轻易 说出口

抱着 亲人
像 溺者 找到了 浮木
短暂的 安慰 和 温暖
心 安了
起伏的 情绪 被 抚平

难怪 在 您们眼中
我 终究 还是个 长不大的 孩子
轻易 流泪的我
看起来 像经不起 风浪的 船
漂浮不定 摇摆不止
随时被 暴风雨 和 海浪 吞噬

道行 不足
惟有 再继续 修行
能成为 一个 稳固 让人安心 的大船
在海上 乘风破浪

Saturday, April 2, 2011


脑袋 堵塞了
脑筋 转不来
想法 无法传递

很多事情 都 无法解释

缘由在哪 所因为何

是时候该 沉默了
听听歌 看看书 喝杯咖啡
或索性 闭上眼 睡它一个天昏地暗的

什么都 听不到 看不到
不必知道 也不必理会
留下的 只有自己
最真实的 灵魂 :)