Sometimes, I'm curious, where did my motivation come from. I'm not special, nor talented, and I'm not stronger, or tougher either. It's just that...
There's always this wise person, who used to show me some light, whenever I'm in the darkness of no where.
There's always this caring person, who used to pamper me with love, whenever I need someone to back me up.
And there's always this person, who used to make my days happier, whenever I wanted to keep myself from the harsh reality.
I'm surrounded and pampered by this person. I'm taught life is never easy, and it's meant to be overcame, but not run away from.
There's also this particular person, who appears to be a great fighter and my master, taught me to stay strong and keep moving on. She had shown her wisdom and taught me a great lesson, even when she is at her critical situation of life. She made through it, though the chance was least to say.
She taught me to be an optimist, especially during the hard times. Stay positive and laugh through every hardship. It's not that bad afterall, she said. :)
It's one of my belief, which motivates me to walk through the ups and downs in life.
To whom I love and who loves me,
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