Monday, May 28, 2012

Where's Love?

I'm surprised, on how love could change a person's attitude and influence their minds and thoughts.

You became so mean and bitter. I can't find any similarity to connect you with the one, that I've once known and respected. I'm curious and upset. Why? You said it's all because of love.

I've heard something similar, from someone that I would never wanted to meet again, even if there were a 2nd chance. Promises and sweet talks seem so reasonable and easy, when love filled the air. But it was replaced by curses and hurting words, when love faded and anger started to rule.

I don't understand. If you do love her, why would you still let those words to slip away from your mouth, and you know its hurting. Love had gave us the ability to praise, to accept, and to forgive. But not anger, hatred, and doubt.

I'm hurted and scared, with what you've did the other day. I can't find any belongingness and warmth, from you and the place. It's ironic, because this was suppose to be the best place for every child. I lost all my faith in you, when I saw those mask on you.

If that's what love mean, I would rather just let go. Because to me, love would never made us to say or do something like that.  

I felt so insecure and disappointed in so-called love. I started to doubt what love is, and to wonder do I really know how to love. Only God knows, how disappointed I was, the moment I found the horrible truth.

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